About Us

Starting off as an idea in lockdown 2020, I wanted to encourage those around me in the word of God. Initially, this was through illustrations but I soon decided to go on a journey and put my ideas towards a clothing brand. I wanted to create something that would have a meaningful impact, something that would be a reminder of their faith each day.
The scripture Romans 10:17 caught my eye, the message of faith is so impactful. Faith truly comes by hearing, there are so many people out there who are yet to hear the good news. FAITHComeths aim is to inspire generations to put their trust and hope in God.
We are the next generation of believers, who are unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We want to draw as many people of all ages, races and abilities to the brand and by God’s grace also introduce them to the unfailing love of God.
Let your Faith Cometh!
Tony Afrifa
Founder and CEO